Friday, June 4, 2010

Wow! That Was Easy!

This time I will try to attach a pic! Last night I tried out the idea of putting both my boys in the bathtub at the same time... A little nervous at first but they LOVED it! Bryce couldn't stop laughing in all the splashing that was going on and Grady liked having someone to 'swim around'. It was quite entertaining let me tell you. The water was cold by the time Bryce decided he had had enough. We will be doing it again! I don't remember taking baths with my siblings as a child but I know we did as my mom captured the moments with her camera. We always looked like we were having a blast, that was until the moment Tyson slipped and hit his head on the faucet. He had to have some 15 stitches in his eyebrow. Again I don't remember as I was just a baby but he has the scar to prove it. I can only imagine what will take place at our bath time for the next few months...

1 comment:

  1. Looks fun! I totally remember Ty's bathtub slip. I also vividly remember one of you falling and hitting the coffee table, which also sent us to the hospital.

    Cute blog name btw!!!
