Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oh The Memories...

Does this look kinda familiar anyone??? The booger has a sibling believe it or not! In high school each of my siblings and myself took turns learning how to drive a 1970's 'ish puke/booger green Oldsmobile, hence the name 'The Booger'. My friend Ibby lives in Colorado and sent me this picture about a month ago saying how seeing this car brought back a flood of memories from our high school car. Each of us kids did some pretty crazy things in 'The Booger' making it fun to reminisce on good 'ol high school days. I about fell over when I saw her text with this picture but was also taken back to a very care-free, fun-filled time in my life.

~Thanks Ibby for sharing and Thanks Booger for the memories~


As small children my dad would place his feet on our stomachs, hold our hands then hoist us up on his feet into the air moving his legs and lower body around in circles. It was always a challenge between us kids to see who could keep their arms and legs straight out the longest without falling off. He usually aimed for the landing spot to be the couch so of course landing wasn't too bad! Bryce is obsessed with playing airplane right now, timid at first, but once up in the air we can't get him to stop giggling with pure excitement! When one does an activity the other has to so both boys have had plenty of air time playing airplane with their daddy!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Good 'Ol Lutheran Boys

I leaned down to kiss Bryce asking him "are you mama's cutie" he stepped back, looked me in the eyes and said "no, God's cutie!" I about fell over in admiration of his sweetness.

Grandma Cyndy got the boys a 'Little People's' nativity set for Christmas. Bryce plays with it often. He first has to find baby Jesus, then "baby Jesus' mama" as he calls Mary and Joseph. Those are the 3 main figurines he plays with so Christianity is definitely talked about and taught at our house. Not to mention Grandma Phyllis' constant preaching to our boys and reading of bible verses to them! I love that our boys know God.

Grady can independently recite the Lord's prayer, the table prayer, and most of the Nicene Creed. It is very impressive for a 4 year old boy. We make the joke that Phyllis couldn't make a preacher out of Greg nor Brad so all of her hopes and dreams are to make Grady do so. She's well on her way if he is to be, he loves going to church and acts more holy when saying prayers than most grown adults. I love that God surrounds us!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Hiding Spot

Two boys in...Check
One boy prematurely out...oops!

Second boy prematurely out...on purpose I'm sure!!

Surprising Daddy when he walked in from work was our goal but the suspense was killing them and the one on the right came out WAY too early and the one on the left stayed in WAY too long! Daddy and I both still got a kick out of them being able to fit in the tv stand and what fun they had from it :)

~We appreciate life for the simple joys it brings to our every day life~

Go Huskers!!

"Touch Down"

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Our Family Portrait by Grady Lee Rasmussen

Grady drew our family one day at preschool. He is very proud of it and so are we! He really pays attention to detail and told me he drew Bryce in orange because that's the color of his hair. I told him I liked that he drew us shorter and taller to show our actual heights. I however, didn't ask him about the other detail in the picture! Look close and you will see! I think showering with dad after a day of being outside getting dirty doing 'guy stuff' has come to an end, detail was a bit too much but wanted to share as most people are getting a good chuckle out of this one! :) Oh, he also wrote the word 'Love' in the upper left corner because he said we all love each other. I told him he was right on!!! I love you Grady Lee with all my heart!

Christmas Morning at my Parent's

I LOVE traditions with family especially our Christmas traditions! Christmas Eve each of my siblings and myself spend the holiday with our spouses family. Christmas morning after we open gifts with our kids at our own houses we head to my parents' house for a late brunch and gift opening! I love the first picture in this post, it may look like chaos but it's organized chaos and I LOVE it. This picture makes me feel right at home and peace in my heart!

The 'older' little kids pass out the gifts to everyone then everyone takes their place to start gift opening!
I got the couch this year, having had back surgery in all everyone was being rather sweet to me as I had to lay down to open gifts! My handsome little Grady is excitedly awaiting gift opening

I heart this picture!

I've been waiting to post this pic as I wanted my sister to spread the news first!
She did and they are welcoming another baby this summer~July 16th~
Grandma and Cadyn sharing a moment

All 3 boys got loaders from Gpa and Gma so they were occupied while the rest of us took our turns to open gifts. It's hard to wait your turn when you are little so the loaders were great to have!

They used these presents to build 'corrals' for their cows, which they were hauling in their loaders :) I love how they use their imaginations when playing!

More organized chaos!

The littles playing Ring-Around-The-Rosie~so precious

And We All Fall Down!!!!

The littles playing on their parents Iphones! They have already been exposed to the world of technology and they each have a craving for it...

Christmas Morning at OUR house

I'm feeling a bit down on myself because this year I did not take the boys for the annual Santa picture. Grady got to see him several times but no chance at taking pics. With a rough month of back troubles I just couldn't get in the mood to take them but here are a few from the morning of Christmas!

Singing Christmas songs to entertain us during gift opening!

Santa brought the boys ice fishing poles!
Grady was excited to get more puzzles especially being CARS

'Billy the Kid'

Santa also brought the boys guns

All I can think is..."You'll shoot your eye out"

We had a wonderful morning together with gift after gift. I got a new camcorder for Christmas so most of the present opening is on video but these few shots are still pretty priceless to this happy mama!! Brad gets a bit excited about gift giving so I received my camera a few days prior to Christmas to have time to fiddle with it so we would have perfect videos to watch!

Church Program

Walking into church carrying food to donate to our local food pantry
He vapor locked on saying his line so the boy next to him said it for him

The kids put the donated food in the manger while the older kids read the Christmas story

Singing their little hearts out!

They got to use bells on the last song :)