Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Softball Game

Tonight I drove Phyllis, Wendell, Grady and Bryce to Brad's cousin's little girl's softball game (Mel's daughter). Harley looked so cute out in center field having a conversation with the girl next to her. Neither one of them could really care about the game going on right before their eyes!! Oh, well at least they were having fun! Harley scored one of the runs and told us the score was 9 to 4--them! Mel said that didn't really mean much because according to Harley they win EVERY game!

I hadn't planned very well as I packed no toys to keep Grady occupied. I thought they might of had a playground or something for him to climb on but no such luck at this softball field. We were all pulling quite a few things out of our sleeves to entertain him but not much was doing the trick. He did enjoy digging in the dirt with an ice scraper and burying popcorn for awhile. I then got the idea to let him us my camera to take pictures of whatever so the pics in this post were all taken by my little camera man Grady!!
I forgot that Grady was also entertained with pulling the weeds around the backstop. We pull weeds every time we go outside trying to keep our place looking sharp. We're just lucky that Grady likes to do it. Funny thing is, he likes pulling weeds almost everywhere we go! Such a little gardener he is!

1 comment:

  1. My Gradster is a budding photographer! And way to put him to work young mama ;)
