Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bryce is 9 months old

Today my little man Bryce is 9 months old. Its so crazy to think about what I was doing only a few short 9 months ago. He's the best little boy ever and is sooo much fun. We went to his 9 month check up last Friday. He's in the 75th percentile for height, weight and head. He weighs 19 1/2 pounds, not sure about the length but he's growing big that's for sure!! He's still having his choking spells and the doctor doesn't really know why. I switched him to soy formula as that cured it when Grady was a baby so we'll see.

Grady went with Bryce and I on his doctor visit because we did Grady's 3 year check-up also. The doctor came in and did his stuff then the nurse came in to give shots...Grady says "Bryce has to get shots" The nurse said "Oh and you too!" Grady said "No, not me I'm healthy, I'm a big boy" I said "But Grady you have to have ONE shot so you don't get the chicken pox" Grady repeated the "I'm a big boy, I'm healthy" routine and tried to convince the nurse that only Bryce needed shots. I told Grady that he got to choose who got a shot first, he chose Bryce first. Bryce didn't cry for the first shot but he did for the second and after that Grady lost it. "Nope, not me, I'm healthy" was coming out of his mouth as I was hoisting him onto the table and holding screaming Bryce in my other arm. We finally got him to lay down, well... I was holding his upper body with still screaming Bryce in my other arm and the nurse was holding his legs. The nurse hadn't even poked him yet and he started crying. After he got the shot he cried a lot louder. Bryce had stopped but because Grady was so loud Bryce started up again. This went on for about 5 minutes. One would stop, see the other was crying and start up again. I finally grabbed our things and toted them out both crying a bit. By the time we got to the receptionist ladies Grady was mildly sobbing. They LOVE Grady! She said "Grady what happened" Grady said "I had to get a shot, there was blood everywhere but I'm TOUGH" (Are you kidding me ;-)) Then he proceeded to pull up his shorts to show her where he got the shot and it was THE WRONG LEG!!!! Must have really hurt huh! She laughed and gave him a bunch of candy and two Spiderman band aids! He told everyone that day while we were running errands that he got a shot and how tough he was and was showing off his band aid. Oh Grady!! Bryce was a trooper he slept pretty much the rest of the afternoon! Shots didn't bother him a bit!

The first image is of Bryce 9 months ago on the way home from the hospital. He was too little for a carseat and wasn't strong enough to hold himself upright for our hour drive home in a regular casrseat so he went home in a carbed. Both my boys had to be sent home in one of these. They had both stopped breathing during the carseat test at the hospital. Bryce was in this carbed for a little over a month before he out grew it in length! Pretty crazy huh!! Man does that bring back some memories for this little mama...


  1. Oh my god that just made me laugh so hard.

  2. I love that Grady story even more the second time around ;)

    Bryce is a big boy! We are blessed that our little ones are strong and healthy.

  3. I've only heard about the car seat bed. Amazing how resilient these kids are. Look how big and healthy and adorable he is.

    Great Grady story. Can't wait to see all of you and meet Bryce next month.
