Thursday, September 30, 2010

Keeper of the tub

When its just Bryce in the tub Jack likes to hang out and make sure his boy is ok, its pretty cute!
This is my baby. He's been with us for 7 years!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bryce's 1 year photo shoot

I have been waiting for the cd and rights to arrive so I could post some pics of Bryce's 1 year photo shoot on here but the pics won't download. If you'd like to see my baby and some brother shots please go to the following addy. Click on the 'proofing' tab and the password is bryce.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Go Huskers!

My sis and I enjoyed some much needed sister time (minus our babies) during the Husker game this past weekend
Here's the crew, what a blast we had
Caleb has missed my company greatly...
And this picture he never knew happened...Caleb celebrated a bit too much EACH touch down! Love you guys!!


Wanted to share a few videos of Bryce on his 1st Birthday! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bryce Turned 1 Today!!

Bryce loved this swing and was so relaxed that nap time soon followed. It was a gift for Grady's first birthday that never got put up. Finally today, it was hung and enjoyed by all!
Bryce got a horse swing for his bday from his grandparents
He got a John Deere ride from his other grandparents that once everyone left he was riding it around by himself making it go with his feet. During the party he was walking behind it back and forth between the living room and the dining room. He'll be walking ANY day now...
Look at the excitement in his face! He loved opening his gifts until he realized everyone else was playing with his toys while he was tearing in to the paper. I ended up opening the last of his gifts
Ty and Mal got Bryce this dino that is just a touch smaller than him. He was hugging it and crawling all over it giving it kisses. So cute!
The beginning of the gift opening...
The last bite of cake...Messy but not too messy
The first bite of cake...a little unsure at first but found out how good the frosting was
Singing Happy Birthday to him
We had a bit of outside time after lunch and before cake, Bryce loves getting pushed around on this old tractor that Grandpa Greg redid for Grady on his first birthday
Trampoline time!! Grady has perfected his front flip and was loving showing everyone
Got out this car full of balls for the two little ones. Bryce was loving on Kenna the entire time
The Great Grandpas
Aunts, Uncles, Grandpa, and Grandmas

Grandparents Day

Our school celebrates Grandparents Day by having the children K-6th grade sing songs in the elementary gym. Our preschool students don't have school on Fridays and that's the day the program falls on. We had our own mini program for all of the grandma's and grandpa's this past Thursday. Grady stole the show and sang the loudest doing all the actions right along with it! He was soooo excited that his Great-Grandma's (and great-aunt Doris) came to watch him. As he gets older I'm sure all of his grandparents will be able to attend. My boys are lucky, lucky children to have 4 great-grandparents and 4 grandparents!

Nebraska State Fair

Yes! We are riding a camel! Isn't this the best pic ever!!
Grady was a little nervous to go by himself so I got to go along
It wasn't the best smelling animal but it was soft like a cat!
This was a creepy animal in the 'jungle' section kinda like a possum/rat combo...
The boys loved the 'birthing center' the place had baby lambs, piglets, and calves. Super Neat!
Bryce LOVED all the noises and the lady bringing the baby lamb over to us

Look carefully and you can see Grady looking down waving at me! This was one of his favorite rides. Brad had to go along with him on this one, I think he enjoyed it too!
Bryce had his first ride on the Merry-go-round and was laughing out loud the whole time

The ride guy offered a pic of me and my boys so I said yes, after all it was Bryce's first time!