Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Wagoner's Dominate

Wood River Fun Fest was a fun time had by all. Saturday morning started with a parade then kids games in the park. The pedal tractor pull started after the parade was over. The kids were hyped up on sugar from all the candy at the parade to help them defeat their competition!!

Gracie got 1st place in the 6 year old group
Taylon got 1st place in the 5 year old group

Massi got 1st place in the 4 year old group

Grady got 2nd place in the 4 year old group

Each of our 4 kids made it to the State Fair to compete with hundreds of other kids. When I say hundreds I am not using that term loosely. There were hundreds!!! Massi was back in Florida but the other three competed at the State Fair in Grand Island and did a great job. A once in a lifetime experience because I'm not sure any of us parent's or fans would go back again but fun for sure to try out once!!

My 3 Amigos

I love the men in my life unconditionally!
Who could pass up a fun loving daddy, a handsome
4 year old, and a nose picking almost 2 year old :)
Yes, this is common for Bryce~just recently discovered his finger can fit

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Family Pictures

Here is a preview of our family pictures. Go to legacyfotography.com to see them all! Under the proofing tab type in the password: rasmussen

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Catchin Frogs

Hold on because this post is about to get Very Redneck! My husband loves to fish and catch his own bait to fish. He has done this since he was a kid. He is now teaching our boys how to do just the same thing. A little young, perhaps, but they LOVE spending time with their daddy! Frogs are on the list for fishing bait on this days hunt...let the hunt begin!

Brad and Grady out in a pasture coming back from a small pond

Bryce and I hung out in the pick up looking for frogs from afar ;)

Here Froggy, Froggy, Froggy!!!

Caught one!!!

Grady loved holding the bottle with all the frogs inside until daddy said put one in yourself! Without hesitating he said 'OKAY!' but the frog was just playing dead and as soon as it was in Grady's hand it leapt into the pick up and he FREAKED!!! Bryce laughed as well as myself! We caught the little thing soon after but Grady didn't offer to hold one after that, opening the bottle was just fine for him!! What a great experience for our boys to have and a life lesson learned!

Anniversary Weekend

Over our anniversary (July 30th) we camped with our amazing little boys. Time well spent with each other and wonderful friends! We were in the water from 11am until 9pm on Saturday and not one of us got a sunburn thanks to my red headed beauty for making mom so sunscreen happy!

Captain Grady, this is his permanent seat on our boat

Greeter Bryce, loves the wind in his face!

And the girls of course! Bryce and Breckyn hamming it up!

Our camp site

Our red neck boat club all tied together!!

The kids loved being able to swim between our boats and climb aboard which ever one they wanted to choose! Such an awesome day out under the sun, in the water, and with such great friends! Thanks all :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Catching Up

We have been super busy with all sorts of activities lately. Sorry for the lapse in posting.

~We celebrated 6 years of wedded bliss with our boys camping together on July 30th

~Grady learned to jump off the diving board and while under water he can turn around and swim back to the edge to get out to do it all over again

~Bryce's talking has really taken off! He says very plainly "boat, sun, hot, book, eat, milk, juice, all animals and the sounds they make, close relatives names and many, many more! Its amazing and like he woke up one day and decided to talk! Pretty cool!

~ On a not so happy note we had to admit Brycie into the hospital last Thursday for a severe stomach virus. Its a 24 hour bug that's infected a lot of people around the area. He started out dry heaving/puking every 15 minutes getting worse in color both him and his puke. Headed to the Doctor and they admitted him. He was poked 4 times before being able to get an IV to go in his foot. It was Horrible. Nothing I Ever want to do again. But, he's pretty much back to his same old self now and we are very thankful for that!

~I've had trainings this week to get ready for school which starts this coming Monday.

~Girls Golf has started up so my free time is officially gone until my birthday in October. Our first meet is the 22nd in Wood River. I have 4 girls going out with two that are very experienced and the other two are just beginning.

~Brad is building more and more all the time and is booked through for 2 years!!!! There are also people on the waiting list for after that which is super exciting! He's one busy man and Great at what he does so we are fortunate people are willing to wait for his expertise!

~My mom and dad are in Canada at this moment spending time with my sister, I'm very jealous but happy they get to see her place and take a little vacation with the TS family!

Love to All and will try to post a little more often!