Thursday, January 27, 2011


Grady asked me last night why I was washing my face. I said because I have make-up on and I need to wash it off. He says "Mom, you don't need to wear make-up you're Gorgeous!" Talk about melting a mama's heart. I said "Aw, thanks babe" and he said "I love you so much mommy!" Couldn't have been a better ending to my day.

People say Troublesome 3's no way we're in the Terrific 3's. He's so sweet and caring at this age, I love it!!!

Also, last night he was with daddy at the archery range shooting their bows. He tripped and hit his eye on a table corner. He came home with a super glued wound and a butterfly band-aid. It's a little swollen and turning dark today. My poor boy, but he assured me he was OK that he's tough!!

1 comment:

  1. Grady surely does know how to melt your heart! I've said it before and I'll say it again, he's one sweet boy.
