Friday, January 7, 2011

New Years Resolution

My new year's resolution is to become a better time manager and loose these last 10 pounds of babiness. So far I've started the year off right eating salads for supper and cereal for lunch. However, I need to learn to love the taste of water to make it all happen so I am finding and trying out new things with water to make me in to a better lover of it! I am also doing great at being a time manager as I am blogging this particular blog while watching Brycie take a bath!! I am sitting on my toilet while he's trying to splash to get my attention, so maybe this isn't the Best idea I've had, but its working for now. I blogged the other posts yesterday while both my boys were napping (deep down I wanted to be napping as well but I knew my fellow blog followers were wondering what was up in the Rasmussen house). So here's to a newer, skinnier Sonya and more blogging about my babes! Happy 2011 to all.

Enjoy the following clip of Bryce successfully feeding himself with a spoon. He usually holds it in one hand and feeds himself with the other hand. Tonight, sick and all, he put it all together!!


  1. Wow Brycie - good job!

    Good luck with your goals seester. Sounds like you are going to make it happen :)

  2. u dont have 10 pounds to lose!!!
