Thursday, November 11, 2010

Shout Out to Daddy!

I captured this picture on my phone yesterday afternoon when my boys were feeling better and rough-housing as usual! Cute right!! Well, I believe it was the calm before the storm...

This morning as I was getting ready Grady told me his tummy hurt and I didn't believe him as yesterday I heard that and he was fine pretty much all day. It wasn't seconds later and there was puke everywhere. Before 8am we had a pooper and a puker on our hands. Well, I have a boss that minds if I make it to work or not so daddy was elected to stay home with the puking and pooping tykes today! Grady puked most of the day and Bryce as of current still has the squirts. Not cool at the Rasmussen house this week so if you were thinking about coming over...DON'T! Seems to be the 'in thing' around here to share and share alike, germs that is! Hoping tomorrow is a bit better, I have a meeting in Kearney and daddy has houses to get built before it snows.

Thanks Daddy, WE LOVE YOU So Much! You are a brave man to have stayed home today!

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