Friday, March 25, 2011

Bryce is talking

Bryce is talking more and more each week. This week he's began saying 'baby' and 'ga-dee' for Grady. A few weeks ago he said 'By--ice' for Bryce. It's so awesome to see him flourishing in the talking world, we've waited so long to hear his little voice. This week he went round the table at supper pointing to each of us saying 'mama', 'daddy', and 'ga-dee' and Grady can get him to say 'Uh oh' and 'Bye Bye' consistently! It's so cute. The video is a glimpse in to his talking world until he wanted the camera...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, he IS talking up a storm - way to go Brycie! Also, glad my babe isn't the only whiner in the family ;)
