Thursday, February 24, 2011

Outside Fun

We had a break in weather last week with no snow fall and sunny enough days to make mud! The boys have been in the mud and water so much lately that I finally quit caring about cleaning them up and let them do it! They LOVED every minute even if the water felt like it was -20 degrees. Enjoy the following pics of our outside time, it was still cold but not too cold for them!

Horsey swing fun
This is the first time he's been able to ride on it AND swing it
Grady loves this swing
Trampoline time. Grady was below the tramp while Bryce was on it.
He kept poking Bryce's feet and he would laugh hysterically
"Take our picture mom, we're being nice to each other"
Snapped this on the 'run', pretty good eh!!
Cute he is!

Bryce can officially drive the 4-wheeler by himself and boy oh boy does he love it!!

.Sending two videos as this is a video of bumper cars with my boys and I couldn't choose which one was funnier or better!! Enjoy!