Thursday, February 24, 2011

Outside Fun

We had a break in weather last week with no snow fall and sunny enough days to make mud! The boys have been in the mud and water so much lately that I finally quit caring about cleaning them up and let them do it! They LOVED every minute even if the water felt like it was -20 degrees. Enjoy the following pics of our outside time, it was still cold but not too cold for them!

Horsey swing fun
This is the first time he's been able to ride on it AND swing it
Grady loves this swing
Trampoline time. Grady was below the tramp while Bryce was on it.
He kept poking Bryce's feet and he would laugh hysterically
"Take our picture mom, we're being nice to each other"
Snapped this on the 'run', pretty good eh!!
Cute he is!

Bryce can officially drive the 4-wheeler by himself and boy oh boy does he love it!!

.Sending two videos as this is a video of bumper cars with my boys and I couldn't choose which one was funnier or better!! Enjoy!

Monday, February 21, 2011


In case you were wondering what I will look like when I'm old and grey or white...
I was a virgin drywaller up until Saturday...
I stomped the ceilings, mudded and sanded drywall
then primed it all. Sanding sucked bum, the dust went EVERYWHERE.
Feels pretty good to say I had a hand in the project though
The new living room~which is twice the size than this picture portrays
The hallway leading to our bedroom and an outside door
Another hallway leading to the bathroom which Brad is standing in,
our laundry room is off to the right of him and the office is behind
the oak door. Ugh, can't wait for it to be finished!
~Good News~
Since these pictures we now have the living room and both hallways
painted and ordered carpet the night we were in town visiting Karson

Karson Daniel Wagoner

Sweet Karson
Says it all!

Proud Auntie
Proud cousins Grady and Bryce
The 'older cousins'
and proud big sister Gracie and brother Taylon
Big Brother Taylon...
When he found out it was a boy he told his daddy he will be a
good big brother and share ALL of his tractors with Karson, aw!!
Big~little sister Kenna Jo
(I think she finally realized she's NOT the Baby anymore...)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Catching Up

I just want to say sorry for the lax in posting we have been over whelmed at our house. Work has been very, very busy for both of us and a week ago Brad decided to start remodeling our basement. As soon as we get home every night we change our clothes and head down stairs, all of us!! It's coming along nicely but boy, oh boy did I get a reality check today. I stomped a ceiling for the first time, mudded and sanded drywall. It was a long, long day and to end it we primed all the walls for painting tomorrow. Crazy how a week ago it was a bare, concrete area and now its beautiful white painted walls!!

Bryce has been talking a bit more this week saying Milk at daycare and consistently saying Mom and Dad. When shown a picture of our family he can identify the four of us when asked to find us. Pretty cute! Our daycare also taught him to sign so he's been signing 'more' and 'cookie' the past few days.

Grady got to hand out his Valentine's on Monday and had a blast writing his name on each of them to hand out to his friends. He was very concerned about 'Emma' (one of his friends at preschool) getting the exact Valentine he had meticulously picked out for her! He's enjoyed the beautiful weather we've had this week as he doesn't come into the house at night until the last speck of daylight is gone!!

A shout out to my sweet niece Cadyn for taking her first real steps this past week! Way to go baby girl, we love you! Also, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of another Wagoner cousin as Simon and Mandi are scheduled to have baby number four this coming Monday! Excited to meet my newest niece or nephew in a few days!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ice Skating

Brad wanted to do something as a family the other night so he bundled us up and took us to a local 'frozen' pond just outside of Hazard. He wanted to go ice skating. He got out his old ice skates he wore as a kid and thought each of us could wear a pair. Grady's ice skates were HUGE on him but we pushed him around anyways and it worked out just fine.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Brad and I went to Columbus this past weekend to visit Tyson and Mallory. Brad also attended an annual bow shoot both Saturday night and Sunday morning. (Will post results later...he got 15th out of 182 people last time he went) Saturday, after Brad was done shooting we went to the Pawnee Bar where I discovered THE BEST Bloody Mary EVER!!! It was like eating a salad all while tasting what one would compare Heaven to. It was so delicious! I took a picture to show what I mean by a 'salad.' It came with a lime, shrimp, celery, pickle and an olive with two straws and a sword holding it all together. This will be a MUST stop every trip we make to Columbus!

Thanks for a Great time Ty and Mal