Monday, September 27, 2010

Bryce's 1 year photo shoot

I have been waiting for the cd and rights to arrive so I could post some pics of Bryce's 1 year photo shoot on here but the pics won't download. If you'd like to see my baby and some brother shots please go to the following addy. Click on the 'proofing' tab and the password is bryce.


  1. These are really adorable. I love the photos of the boys together.

  2. Those are precious, Sonya! Great coordinating shirts! :) That airplane is amazing! Is that yours or a prop of hers?

    Happy Birthday Big One Year Old Boy!!!!!! xoxo

  3. So beautiful. Wow his hair has grown in a lot since July. I love #s 12 and 25, and the ones in that airplane are just gorgeous!
