Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bryce Turned 1 Today!!

Bryce loved this swing and was so relaxed that nap time soon followed. It was a gift for Grady's first birthday that never got put up. Finally today, it was hung and enjoyed by all!
Bryce got a horse swing for his bday from his grandparents
He got a John Deere ride from his other grandparents that once everyone left he was riding it around by himself making it go with his feet. During the party he was walking behind it back and forth between the living room and the dining room. He'll be walking ANY day now...
Look at the excitement in his face! He loved opening his gifts until he realized everyone else was playing with his toys while he was tearing in to the paper. I ended up opening the last of his gifts
Ty and Mal got Bryce this dino that is just a touch smaller than him. He was hugging it and crawling all over it giving it kisses. So cute!
The beginning of the gift opening...
The last bite of cake...Messy but not too messy
The first bite of cake...a little unsure at first but found out how good the frosting was
Singing Happy Birthday to him
We had a bit of outside time after lunch and before cake, Bryce loves getting pushed around on this old tractor that Grandpa Greg redid for Grady on his first birthday
Trampoline time!! Grady has perfected his front flip and was loving showing everyone
Got out this car full of balls for the two little ones. Bryce was loving on Kenna the entire time
The Great Grandpas
Aunts, Uncles, Grandpa, and Grandmas


  1. Holy toy haven at your house! Glad Bryce had a good bday. Cute cake. I am laughing at the John Deere ride, Cadyn's feet can't even touch the ground ;)

  2. Ahhh! Happy Birthday Bryce!!!!!! So many fun toys! Love the look on his face when he is opening the presents! And Elmo! What a good friend! :) xoxo

  3. Happy Birthday to Bryce. Always impressed by the cakes. Your boys should be entertained for a while with all those toys! :)
