Thursday, December 8, 2011

Big Boy Bed

We moved Bryce to a big boy bed last Sunday night. I thought it would be stressful for all of us so I have been dragging my feet. Boy was I wrong! He slept in it with no problem at all not waking up once during the night. We are almost a week in and he still is sleeping in it like he's been doing it all his life. Its cute because in the mornings when he was in his crib he would yell out "mama, get me" and had to wait for me to come upstairs to get him out. Now he is in his bed and can clearly get out himself but will still sit in his bed and call out to me to 'come get him' every morning! I love it! We put a bed rail on the side of his bed and perhaps he thinks that 'keeps him in' like the side of the crib. Either way, I'm just glad it works and the transition was so smooth! Yay to big boy beds and 2 big boys in our house :) I love being their mama!!

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