Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I have been horrible at blogging the last few months for many, many reasons but who's counting.

Grady Lee
-Is in preschool every afternoon and rides the bus home by himself (to grandma Phyllis' house)
-Knows all of the letters in the alphabet and the sounds they make
-Has been 'getting it' from his brother lately I told him pay backs would come some day ;)

Bryce Wendell
-Is 37 lbs of love and sweetness!
-He is putting together 4 and 5 word sentences most of the time his favorites include 'dada at work, dada loader at work, dada pick up at work, dada sleeping'...see a pattern anyone!!!
-He is in to picking on his brother 24/7 whether it be sitting next to, kicking, slapping or hugging

Brad has recently bought an older little S10 pick up or something close to that for the purpose of driving back and forth to job sites and not use his bigger, diesel guzzling pick up! So yet again another investment made by the Rasmussen's, hope it pans out!

I recently got my student loans wrote off by the government, whoot, whoot!!!! I signed myself up for back surgery Dec 20th which won't be fun but am looking forward to being pain free and yes, this is the only option. I explored them all and saw a hand full of doctors to make sure. Oh ya, and I turned 29 this month...

Love to you all and I'll try to be better about blogging this coming month!

1 comment:

  1. 37 lbs - wow! Cadyn is 25 :) See you all in less than a month!!!
