Friday, October 7, 2011

Recent News

I have been quite the slacker in posting lately and I apologize. Our lives are SO VERY crazy at the beginning of the school year and I coaching golf. By the time I get home every night supper is over and bed time is fast approaching. One of my golfer's made it to State so we will be experiencing that this coming Monday and Tuesday!!! What a wonderful early birthday present :)

Bryce is talking in 3 to 4 word sentences all the time. He is a little sponge and repeats Everything he hears! Right now he's big into saying "dada at work" or "dada pick up gone" I heart his little voice and how lovable he is. He is my true snuggler and lays on me every night before our bedtime routine begins. Love it!!!

Grady...Grady has so many one liners I can't begin to write about them all. He is a kid that is SO with it and knows absolutely everything that's going on around him. The saying 'too smart for their own good' definitely applies to this kid. A few weeks back when Brad was gone hunting he told me he was the Man of The House while dad was gone and that he had to take care of all of us! He was very proud of this and made sure we were taken care of indeed and each night before bed he asked if I could sleep with him so he could protect me easier! My charmer!!

I wish I was better about writing down the things my kids say but then again I think, I'm the only one that's going to read them and enjoy them so is it worth the effort?? This is a battle I have with myself every time they say some of those one liners and believe me I'd have a novel by this time if I wrote them all down. And there's only been 4 precious years. I'll have hundreds of books by the time they leave our house! And with that I'll end with one of Grady's recent lines...

G-mom, I want to live with you for forever
Me-Well, I hope you do
G-But you know I have to go to college and you will miss me while I'm gone
Me-Yes, Grady I will miss you a lot when you go to college
G-don't worry mom after college I'll come back and marry you just like dad gave you a ring and married you
Me-Well, Grady I'm already married to your daddy so I can't marry you
G-He can live with us too mom it's ok!!!


  1. Grady is hilarious and he loves his mama sooooo much! I know what you mean - it's hard to write all of those things down but I try to do it because when I go back and look they are just as funny. Happy belated bday Brycie - love that cake and his awesome 4-wheeler!

  2. Such little sweethearts you have :) Write it ALL down will have wished you did in 10 years!

  3. That request for you to sleep with him for easier protection is priceless. So adorable.
