Friday, May 27, 2011


This post is for my cousin Nico. She blogged about her kids not taking naps. We all know how much a mom looks forward to naps and how disappointing it can be when kids don't nap. Well, today Nico at about 10am Bryce started walking around the house saying 'Night, Night' and Grady asked if he could watch a movie so he could take a nap. I thought to myself...Are you kidding me, I have errands to run!!! So we got ready, went to town and came home with a pizza for the three of us. We were about a mile from home and I looked in my mirror to see both of them asleep! I turned up the radio and started making noise...I know how mean right, but they couldn't sleep that close to home! So we finally got home, gave them their pizza and before either one of them were done Grady looks at me and says "I don't want my pizza mom, I want to go to bed" followed with a "Night, Night" from Bryce. WHOOT! WHOOT! I washed them up and put them down and my oh my is this the BEST day ever!!!! How rare it is that they nap at the Same Time! So while your post Nico wasn't the most chipper of days for you, there are days like mine today that turn those bad days into not such a big deal because today I am celebrating and not doing a darn thing ;)

P.S. the above picture is of them playing at the library this morning. Grady asked if we could stop and get some new books, how can a mom say No to a request like that!!


  1. Sounds like a perfect day for everyone! Love that Grady enjoys books. Remember how excited we would get for the book mobile?!

  2. I love it!! The good days definitely make up for the not-so-good ones ... this is definitely a winner :)
