Saturday, February 25, 2012

Grady's 1st Wrestling Meet

Grady had his first wrestling meet last night and loved every minute of it. He wrestled two boys and was supposed to wrestle two more but they were crying and dropped out. So he then wrestled a Kindergartner from Ravenna. He was the tougher of his matches. The very first match Grady was being a huge crowd pleaser watching the crowd, smiling and giving thumbs up. Check out facebook to see more pictures he is a scrappy little guy and can really maneuver out of some tight holds :)

Showing me some wrestling moves before we left the house

Isn't he a handsome little blue jay

His wrestling stance!

1 comment:

  1. That last picture seriously had me flashing forward 13 years to official high school wrestling pictures. Isn't that the pose they have them do?! So cute, glad he is enjoying it AND getting to burn off some energy :)
