Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Catching Up

We have been super busy with all sorts of activities lately. Sorry for the lapse in posting.

~We celebrated 6 years of wedded bliss with our boys camping together on July 30th

~Grady learned to jump off the diving board and while under water he can turn around and swim back to the edge to get out to do it all over again

~Bryce's talking has really taken off! He says very plainly "boat, sun, hot, book, eat, milk, juice, all animals and the sounds they make, close relatives names and many, many more! Its amazing and like he woke up one day and decided to talk! Pretty cool!

~ On a not so happy note we had to admit Brycie into the hospital last Thursday for a severe stomach virus. Its a 24 hour bug that's infected a lot of people around the area. He started out dry heaving/puking every 15 minutes getting worse in color both him and his puke. Headed to the Doctor and they admitted him. He was poked 4 times before being able to get an IV to go in his foot. It was Horrible. Nothing I Ever want to do again. But, he's pretty much back to his same old self now and we are very thankful for that!

~I've had trainings this week to get ready for school which starts this coming Monday.

~Girls Golf has started up so my free time is officially gone until my birthday in October. Our first meet is the 22nd in Wood River. I have 4 girls going out with two that are very experienced and the other two are just beginning.

~Brad is building more and more all the time and is booked through for 2 years!!!! There are also people on the waiting list for after that which is super exciting! He's one busy man and Great at what he does so we are fortunate people are willing to wait for his expertise!

~My mom and dad are in Canada at this moment spending time with my sister, I'm very jealous but happy they get to see her place and take a little vacation with the TS family!

Love to All and will try to post a little more often!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are busy bees. So glad Bryce is doing better. Enjoy your last few days of summer.
