Saturday, October 2, 2010


Can you see the red blotches/rash all over his back????
He was not as smiley as usual today and a bit cranky. His nose is runny and he wouldn't eat much either. Finally tonight, we were getting him ready for bed and HOLY MOLY. His chest and back were covered in a raised rash. This was a first for us, Grady has never had a rash in his 3 years of life. I came to the conclusion and am still hoping I am right, that it was from his clothes. One of Bryce's grandmas was being nice and washed a few of his clothes for me I didn't think much about it that is until tonight. The rash was only on his chest and back NO WHERE else not even where his diaper was. It has to be because of the detergent his onesie was washed in...
Are we going to have a hypo-allergenic baby on our hands?

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, poor little guy! It sounds like you have it figured out though, which is good.
