Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well, Thursday marked my official day back to work. Both Thursday and Friday were a whirlwind with all the in-service meetings, phone calls, and IEP meetings to schedule. And guess what Bryce decided to do...Wednesday night Bryce was a little restless throughout the wee morning hours of the night. I wasn't too concerned as he is teething big time right now. His four top middle teeth are all coming in at the same time. So far both incisors have poked just the tips through and the middle two just need to break the skin. Well, by the time I picked Bryce up from daycare Thursday afternoon his nose discharge was getting greener. Thursday night was another tough night and finally last night was the worse. When he woke up this morning he sounded like an injured baby seal. And he was covered in snot. When we were watching tv last night we could hear him 'trying' to breath through all his congestion. I took him to the doctor first thing this morning and he has Croup. What a way to start out the school year huh! All summer to get sick and he does it the first week mama goes back to work, go figure! We got him some meds and have started breathing treatments so just praying that come Monday morning he will be good as new so I don't have to miss the first day of school! We also discovered that not only the top four teeth are coming in so are two more on the bottom next to the two that are already there. We could see the white under the skin, poor baby...

Oh, and in all his sickness I pretty much let him do whatever he wants to keep him happy. So he just discovered the fold down cup holder thingy in our couch and played there for quite some time climbing on and off and slapping the cup holders to keep himself entertained!!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Bryce. Wishing him a speedy recovery and sleep for all of you.
