Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fun in the Sun

Last week we had 1 day reach 95 degrees and the next was 90 degrees now we are back down to 50 degrees :( BUT...while the weather was nice the boys took advantage of it!!

 Why is sitting on a sprinkler so much fun!!! you have the control to spray your little brother!!
 My two little hot dogs trying to cook in the sun
One of my hot dogs has a bit more ketchup than the other ;)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Grady's End of The Year Preschool Program

I'm sad to say but happy too that Grady's preschool years have ended and he's on to Kindergarten this fall. This week he had his end of the year preschool program and Kindergarten Round Up. Our baby is getting so big! We will celebrate his birthday next week with a party at the lake per his request!
Happy Birthday Grady Lee

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter

Bryce wasn't very fond of the Easter Bunny, this was as close as he got
Grandma Cyndy and Great Grandma Phyllis come with us to the huntGrady appears to have gotten a head start on the crowd! It didn't help much as he only got 2 eggs because of the abundance of kids in his age group. Bryce is a good sharer so it was ok!Bryce did very well in his age group gathering up about 15-20 eggs. Inside the eggs are candy or a piece of paper to claim a prize from Ravenna's area businesses. Bryce got 4 slips of paper this year making quite the haul but he shared one with his brother and the other with a friend of ours.These baskets are two of the prizes they got from the area businesses!
One other prize was from the bank where they claimed a $5 bill
~Happy Easter Everyone from Our House to Yours~


Look what we have, just in time for Easter!! The boys are in love with them!! The black ones we will keep for laying eggs and the yellow ones well...we like to eat fried chicken need I say more!