Sunday, February 17, 2013

Catching Up....

This picture makes me happy but it also makes me very sad. The past couple of months it has been hard to keep up with the blog with all that life is giving us to handle. With the passing of my mother-in-law I have found there are more important moments to bask in instead of being on the computer or stopping a moment to grab my camera. I guess we have all just been living for the moment and only that moment. This picture was taken Christmas day, it was such a great day but such a sad, lonely day for all of us. We miss Cyndy so much and the boys talk about her almost on a daily basis. One of them will see something that reminds them of Grandma or just think about her and make a comment. From there their conversation usually goes like this...
Grady will say "Brycie you know Grandma Cyndy is in heaven and we can't see her any more"
Bryce "I know...she lives in God's house but she's in our heart too"
Bryce "Grandma Cyndy is sitting on Jesus' lap but she's in our heart so if we talk to her she can hear us"
Grady "We can go visit Grandma but she's not in that box she's in heaven looking down at us making sure to keep us safe"
I could go on and on with the things they say about her and perhaps writing this is helping me in some way say that it's ok to move on with our lives but it has been so very hard. I'm just thankful that my boys remember her and talk about her in such a Christen way. We have always said what a spiritual little boy Grady is and how some of the things he says sounds like he's been to heaven. I'm thankful for the memories my boys have and for all of the times we all got to spend with Cyndy. She was an amazing Grandma and did so many fun things with our boys, they were so lucky to have had her. I felt like she was my second mom as we spent almost every day with Greg and Cyndy living so close to one another. It's always hard to lose a loved one but we do have to move on and in time I know it will get easier

 This picture was taken last Christmas. Her boys were her life and then when we had our boys they quickly became her life. She lived for making her grand kids feel special and doing fun things with them!
We miss her so much and will love her continuously, may the Lord never let any of us forget.


  1. Bawling my eyes out...again...but taking comfort that everything them boys are saying is exactly what Cyndy hoped they would think when they thought of her and of Jesus and of heaven. It's almost as though she is speaking with them or through them because it all sounds so much like her. How proud she would be to know they figured it all out in such little time. Yes, Grady and Bryce, your grandma is, and always be, in your heart.
    Hugs, Aunt Lori

  2. Your boys are so sweet and the things they say are just amazing. Thinking of you all and continuing to wish you peace, healing, and treasured memories. Love you. :)
