Friday, June 29, 2012

Relay for Life 2012

As many of you know I participated in the Relay for Life about a month ago raising money for cancer research. Of the people on our team I was second highest in raising the most money which I feel very good about. This is one way I feel I can help so for those of you that said you wished you would have gotten a hold of me sooner, no worries! I will be asking again next year. I found it to be such a powerful and rewarding experience that I am now devoted to doing it every year for all of my family and friends who have been touched by cancer.
 Our team all walking together for the first lap
 Our team sign which read Cancer Awareness Warriors
 Our team leader, Katie (in purple) is a survivor and one awesome person
 They had bounce houses for the kids and the boys couldn't 
get enough of them. Grandpa Greg had to hold Bryce back 
while waiting his turn!!
 A lady in Ravenna owns 2 of these breast cancer awareness ambulances
 Phyllis, Cyndy, Greg, Grady, Bryce and myself

 The owner likes people to sign the ambulances in support of
 someone they know who has been touched by cancer. 
My night was dedicated to my mother-in-law
 I asked two of my friends to walk with me in support!
Thanks Shawna and Korina
Katie, Korina and Myself

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